Apart from interior design, DesignProf develops planning solutions for commercial premises, taking into account all the necessary rules and regulations.
Our designers pay maximum attention to the development of planning solutions, in accordance with the wishes of customers.
The company employs specialists with specialized design education and perfectly knows all the niche details of ergonomics, which allows You to achieve perfectly verified planning solutions.
The planning solutions include a measurement plan and a number of sketches, which show dismantled and raised structures, the arrangement of rooms with directions of opening doors, the placement of furniture and equipment, taking into account all the dimensions.
Using the resulting sketches, You can:
1. Calculate the volume of dismantled structures
2. Determine the number and dimensions of furniture and equipment
3. Make a calculation of rough and finishing materials
4. Determine the location and the required number of sockets and switches
The planning solution from the specialists of the DesignProf company is a plan of the future premises, developed taking into account the layout of rooms, the functionality of the premises, comfort, as well as building norms.
The cost of creating a planning solution will depend on various factors: on the type of object, its area, style etc.